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Prizes and Fellowships

Peter Taylor Award: Application Process

Call for applications

The Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM) and the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) invite applications for the prestigious Peter Taylor Award, awarded for excellence in scientific research related to occupational medicine.

Dr Peter Taylor was one of the founding fellows of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, was Dean of the Faculty from 1981-1984, and President of the Society in 1975-1976. Following his death in 1987, a prize was established, initially for the best dissertation submitted for Membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (MFOM).

With the changes to the curriculum for MFOM, the criteria for the prize have been modified. The prize continues to be awarded annually, and criteria are aligned to Learning Outcome 11 (Research) in the Occupational Medicine Specialty Training Curriculum Guidance 2022 .


Applicants must be:

  • Residents (previously trainees) in occupational medicine; or
  • Physicians working towards MFOM through the portfolio pathway; or
  • Physicians who have achieved MFOM within two calendar years of the closing date for applications.


Applicants should submit one of:

a)  A published, peer-reviewed paper of which they are the first or last author.

b)  A dissertation / thesis previously submitted for MFOM, Masters, PhD, or equivalent doctoral degree, of which they are the author.

c)  A report of a substantial scientific project, of which they are the main author.

For example, the development or revision of an evidence-based guideline, or policy that impacts occupational health policy or practice nationally or within an industry or employing organisation.

The subject matter must be directly relevant to occupational medicine, or the environmental impact of occupational /industrial activities. In all cases the work must have been completed in the 5 years prior to submission.


Assessment will be based on:

  • Originality, innovative approaches, and new methodologies
  • Scientific quality
  • The impact and importance of the work on occupational medicine policy, practice, or future research
  • The Peter Taylor Award assessment committee will be comprised of the Academic Dean of FOM, a Fellow of FOM nominated by SOM and another nominated by FOM. The nominated Fellows will have experience in the conduct and evaluation of research. The decision of the assessment committee will be final.


The prize will be awarded jointly by the FOM and SOM. It will consist of an invitation to deliver the Peter Taylor lecture at the FOM/SOM Annual Scientific Meeting the following year, where the award winner will be presented with an engraved crystal vase.

Application Process

Applicants should submit the work they wish to be considered together with a statement setting out the applicant’s contribution to the work, and that of any co-investigators and a 250-word abstract.

Applications should be sent to exams@fom.ac.uk by 30 May 2025.

The winner will be announced in late July/early August 2025.