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last updated:07/03/2025 @ 11:38 am
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Benefits of membership

The FOM offers a wide range of membership options – from Fellow to Affiliate (doctors with an interest) – we also provide Student membership free of charge to UK undergraduate medical students and foundation doctors.



Fellows Hon. Fellows
Life Members
Members Associates Affiliating
Trainees Students
(undergraduate medical students/
foundation doctors)
(doctors with an interest)
(doctors who have relinquished their licence)
Use of Post nominals
e-newsletters & alerts
Annual prizes & fellowship awards
Free access to online ethics guidance
Free CPD events & discounted entrance fees to conferences
Access to FOM’s Responsible Officer for revalidation
Access to online CPD diary (PreP)
Vote at the AGM & in elections
Opportunity to apply for Board & Council positions
Opportunity to undertake roles on FOM committees
OEM Journal
Access to
♦ (CESR only) * ♦ (CESR only) * ♦ (CESR only) *
Mentoring support & assistance with ARCP & CCT processes

* Additional annual fee payable (£95 for 2024-25)


To join the FOM, please contact membership@fom.ac.uk. Our friendly staff team will be happy to assist or answer any questions that you might have. We look forward to welcoming you.