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last updated:14/06/2024 @ 1:05 pm
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Diploma in Occupational Health Practice (DipOHPrac)

The Faculty’s Diploma in Occupational Health Practice aims to enable health professionals to demonstrate a solid grounding in the core principles of Occupational Health. As a practitioner, successfully completing the qualification will also ensure you are familiar with the common language of the specialty.

The program offers flexibility to clinicians enabling them to work at their own pace, as the MCQ exam and the Portfolio assessment can be taken at different times. Both parts must be completed and passed within a five-year period.

Find an approved course centre
Candidates are required to attend a FOM approved DipOHPrac training course before applying for the examination. Please contact the training centres directly using the information in the table below.

Location Contact Telephone Email
Healthwork Ltd Manchester Clare Condy






TOPHS Ltd Nottingham Jo Dodsworth 0115 837 3650 dipoccmed@tophs.co.uk
Newcastle Occupational Health Service – Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Course leads 0191 282 1188 newcastle.ohs@nhs.net

Please note
From July 2024 this qualification is open to Registered Nurses, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists. It is hoped the course will be open to other registered health care professionals in the near future. In order to qualify for the DipOHPrac certification by FOM, candidates must complete an approved DipOHPrac training course and complete both the MCQ and the Oral portfolio assessment within a five-year period.  The qualification is not recordable with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and will not enable the use of the title Specialist Community Public Health Nurse Occupational Health (SCPHN OH).


Detailed information about the format of the examination can be found in the DipOHPrac Regulations.

Examination fees

2024 Dates for the Diploma in Occupational Health Practice are:

Monday 13th May 2024 – (MCQ) Online Exam

Tuesday 14th May 2024 (Oral/Viva) – Online Exam

Wednesday 15th May 2024 (Oral/Viva) – Online Exam

Registration for the May 2024 exams will open at 9.00am on Monday 22nd  January 2024 and close at 5.00pm on Monday  18th March 2024.

Monday 11th November 2024 (MCQ) – Online Exam

Tuesday 12th November 2024  (Oral/Viva) – Online Exam

Wednesday 13th November 2024  (Oral/Viva) – Online Exam

Registration for the November 2024 exams will open at 9.00am on Monday 22nd  July 2024 and close at 5.00pm on Monday 16th September 2024.

Please note that there are limited spaces for these exams and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Only complete applications will be booked successfully.


All Diploma exams for the foreseeable future are scheduled to take place online. The MCQ examinations will be held in partnership with TestReach. Oral/Viva examinations will be held via MS Teams.

Further guidance for the MCQ exam can be downloaded here.

Further guidance relating to the Viva examination can be downloaded here.

If you would like to enter into this examination, please log in to the members’ area and follow the ‘Exams’ link.   If you are applying for the Portfolio Examination please ensure you are using the current template. Ensure the application is complete and apply early during the booking period. If places fill-up still apply online as we do our best to meet demand. A ‘waiting list’ allocates places in order of application. Please note that if an examination is not available on the list it means that applications are not open at this time.

Recommended reading list

Sample Exam Questions

Portfolio Template