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last updated:16/03/2023 @ 9:24 am

General News

Faculty welcomes occupational health provision in Budget

The FOM was pleased to hear the Chancellor recognise the key role occupational health (OH) plays in supporting working people and is examining the detail of the government’s occupational health plans. Professor Steve Nimmo, FOM’s President, said: “It was fantastic to hear the Chancellor recognise the importance of occupational health during his budget speech. We - Read more...
Published Date: 16/03/2023 Posted In: General News

Launch of the new London Centre for Work and Health

We are delighted to announce the launch of the London Centre for Work and Health. The core aim of the centre is to increase capacity building for work and health research by bringing together researchers and academic clinicians from complementary specialties and, using their collective strengths and resources, to lead on a long-term and sustainable - Read more...
Published Date: 22/09/2022 Posted In: General News

Latest edition of the ‘Gold Guide’ now available

This ninth edition of A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Foundation and Specialty Training in the UK (also known as the Gold Guide) sets out the arrangements agreed by the four UK health departments for specialty training programmes. It is maintained by the Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMeD) on behalf of the four UK health - Read more...
Published Date: 03/08/2022 Posted In: General News

New Advanced Fellowships in health & work research

The Colt Foundation is partnering with the National Institute for Health Research to co-fund Advanced Fellowships in health and work research.  FOM’s Academic Dean, Professor Ira Madan, believes this is an important step forward in developing research capacity in occupational medicine. “The appreciation and understanding of the vital role of our specialty has grown during - Read more...
Published Date: 03/08/2022 Posted In: General News

NEW Diploma in Occupational Health Practice

The Faculty has launched a new Diploma in Occupational Health Practice that is initially available for Registered Nurses. It is designed to help those already working in occupational health to progress their career and encourage others to move into the sector. Investing in occupational health (OH) is fundamental if we want to improve the health - Read more...
Published Date: 27/05/2022 Posted In: Education and Training, General News

Faculty welcomes government response to occupational health consultation

The Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM) has welcomed the government’s response to its 2019 consultation Health is everyone’s business. The Covid epidemic has brought the benefits of occupational health (OH) services into sharp focus and the government has recognised the sector’s critical role in supporting the response to the virus. We share the government’s view that - Read more...
Published Date: 21/07/2021 Posted In: General News, SEQOHS

Election for FOM President

  Ballot papers are currently being sent by email to FFOM, MFOM, AFOM members. Voting closes at 12 noon on Friday 27 November 2020. Please don’t forget to check your email and cast your vote in this important election! - Read more...
Published Date: 02/11/2020 Posted In: General News

GMC clarification on Confidentiality and Reports by Selected Medical Practitioners

  Occupational Health Physicians may be interested in a communication recently received from the GMC by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine’s Responsible Officer (RO), Dr David Fox. This followed a request for clarification on the interplay between GMC guidance Confidentiality – good practice in handling patient information and the legal requirements placed on a Selected - Read more...
Published Date: 22/05/2020 Posted In: General News


As a consequence of the ongoing global COVID-19 situation, the FOM has taken the decision to cancel the Diploma in Occupational Medicine examinations and the Part 1 MFOM examination that were scheduled to take place on 11th, 12th and 13th May 2020.  If you have booked a place to sit an examination in May 2020, - Read more...
Published Date: 17/03/2020 Posted In: Education and Training, General News, National School of Occupational Health

Getting to the new FOM office & the ECOH

FOM are located at 2 Lovibond Lane, London SE10 9FY. It’s a stone’s throw from Greenwich station which will make getting to us a cinch. Train and Tube Travel The new premises house the FOM office and the newly created Education Centre for Occupational Health (ECOH). Lovibond Lane is a 2 minute walk from Greenwich station - Read more...
Published Date: 05/02/2020 Posted In: General News
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