The Faculty’s responses to external consultations are set out below:
GMC Introducing regulated credentials : September 2015
DH 2nd stage consultation on a new medical specialty of aviation and space medicine : March 2015
GMC Review of Confidentiality guidance : January 2015
Liberating the NHS: developing the healthcare workforce : January 2011
Healthy lives, healthy people: our strategy for public health in England : January 2011
Healthy lives, healthy people: funding and commissioning routes for public health : January 2011
The Boorman review – Health and well-being of the NHS workforce : May 2009
This review, by Dr Steve Boorman, followed on from the work of an Expert Group on improving the health of the NHS workforce
Dame Carol Black’s review of the health of Britain’s working age population : December 2007
The Smokefree Elements of the Health Improvement and Protection Bill 2005 : September 2005