- Faculty of Occupational Medicine - https://www.fom.ac.uk -

Subscriptions and fees

Those subscribing to FOM pay an annual subscription according to their location and category of membership.

Please note: The fees shown below are effective from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025. 

Members are now able to pay their subscription by secure card payment or arrange to pay for their annual subscription fees by online direct debit through the members’ area [1] of the website.

Subscriptions (UK & DMS)
Fellows (FFOM) £630
Membership (MFOM) £540
Associates (AFOM) £390
Life Membership* £450
Trainees £290
Affiliating diplomates £125
Concessionary** £90
Affiliates £95
Retired £30
Students (UK based undergraduate medical students and foundation doctors) Free
Revalidating subscriber £135
Non FOM qualified Specialists £125
e-Portfolio access (CESR only) £95
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) Journal £90
Subscriptions (EU & Overseas)
Fellows (FFOMs) £270
Members (MFOMs) £220
Associates (AFOMs) £125
Life Membership* £450
Part 1 MFOM examination £530
Part 2 MFOM full examination fee

SBA re-sit fee

OSCE re-sit fee




MFOM dissertation assessment £610
DOccMed MCQ examination £530
DOccMed portfolio examination £530
DOccMed certificate fee £286
DipOHPrac MCQ examination £530
DipOHPrac portfolio examination £530
DipOHPrac certificate fee £286
DAvMed examination £930
DAvMed certificate fee £286
HAVS certificate fee £105
Registration and admission fees
StR registration £235
FFOM admission £610
MFOM admission £390
AFOM admission £340
Ad eundem application £330
M1 (c) £2800
FOM Revalidation Service £327 + VAT
Company arrangement £1780 + VAT
Visit from revalidation support team £1285 + VAT
Non SOM appraisal £585 + VAT
CPD event approval and advertising
CPD event approval £335 + VAT
CPD event approval & website listing £750 + VAT
CPD event approval & newsletter feature £750 + VAT
CPD event approval, website listing & newsletter feature £955 +VAT
Appeals fee for examinations and dissertations
Recalculation £110
Stage 2 – review £520
Stage 3 – appeal £1040
Other fees
Membership re-joining £49
Reissue of certificate £36
Individual members DPA request £16

*Life membership is for those earning up to £12,000 per annum from medical practice and who have served at least 20 years of continuous service to FOM by date of membership renewal.

**Concessionary membership for those earning up to £12,000 per annum from medical practice
