Occupational Health principles for healthcare professionals
Access the guideline here [1]
Guideline for healthcare professionals supporting individuals back to work after Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery
Access the guideline here [2]
Guideline for healthcare professionals on the management of upper limb disorders in working-age people
Access the guideline here [3]
Guidance for healthcare professionals on return to work for patients with post-COVID syndrome
On behalf of the FOM, a multidisciplinary group under the leadership of FOM Academic Dean, Professor Ira Madan, developed guidance aimed at all healthcare professionals to assist them in facilitating the return to work of people who are unable to work due to post-COVID syndrome. This guidance was developed alongside the NICE/RCGP/SIGN.
Access the guidance here [4].
Guidance for managers and employers on return to work for employees with post-COVID syndrome
This guidance is aimed at managers and employers to assist them in facilitating the return to work of employees who may find this difficult because of post-COVID syndrome. Access this guidance here [5].