- Faculty of Occupational Medicine - https://www.fom.ac.uk -

MFOM Part 2 FAQs

How will report writing skills be tested when the MEQ paper is removed?

Report writing is an essential skill for specialist occupational physicians. These skills will be tested by educational supervisors as part of workplace-based activities.

Can the FOM assure educational supervisors that the examination will not be of a lower standard to the current one?

Yes, the examination will be of the same standard and many of the question stems will be reused, but in the new format. However, both the SBA paper and the OSCE will include modern aspects of occupational health practice, including video/phone consultations, new and emerging hazards, and modern epidemiological methodology. The pass mark for both examination components will be set using the Angoff method with psychometric evaluation being routinely conducted after every sitting to ensure the process is consistent, robust and fair.

How has the weighting of the question topics been set?

This has been set to reflect the OMST 2022 Curriculum and the learning outcomes therein. A working group has decided on the weighting and division of questions to ensure the exam is representative of current OH practice. As part of this process we have also had input from the National School of Occupational Health.

Is there information available on the type of questions that may be asked in the SBA exam?

Yes. Please refer to the MFOM Part 2 SBA Blueprint [1] which provides details on the Learning Outcomes, Principles and Topics that may be included.

Is there further information available on the content of the scenarios that may be presented in the OSCE?

Yes. Please refer to the MFOM Part 2 OSCE Blueprint [2] which provides details on how the required skills will be mapped to the OMST 2022 Curriculum Learning Outcomes.



If you have any queries about the above, please contact exams@fom.ac.uk [3]
