- Faculty of Occupational Medicine - https://www.fom.ac.uk -

The Council

The Council meets four times a year, these meetings are usually held at the FOM offices in London.

The Council is chaired by the Academic Dean. The membership of Council is as follows:

 Name  Post 
Dr Momeda Deen Academic Dean and Chair of Council
Dr Robin Cordell President
Dr. Rikard Moen Registrar and OH providers representative
Dr Robin Cordell SEQOHS Standards Review Lead
Dr Steve Boorman Chair of the Council for Work & Health
Dr Anne De Bono Representative from the NHS
Dr Danny Wong Responsible Officer for Revalidation
Dr David Flower Retired members representative
Dr David Haldane Convenor of FOM Scotland
Dr Lisa Curran Director of Training
Dr Tosin Talabi Director of Examinations
Dr Jon Spiro Portfolio Pathway Lead
Dr Denise Connolly Convenor of FOM Northern Ireland
Dr Andrew Sproston Convenor of FOM Wales
Dr Ashika Sequeira Portfolio Pathway Representative
Dr Aidan Challen Associate Member
Dr Daniel Border Trainee Representative
Ms Louise Craig FOM Chief Executive Officer

















Members may wish to contact members of the Council, to seek information or to ask for a topic to be debated by the Council.

To submit your enquiry, please send an email to fom@fom.ac.uk [1]. If your enquiry is for a particular Council member, we would be grateful if you could mark it for their attention.
